İngilizce Kitaplar Seti 3 Kitap

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May ill-fate befall them! Surah Al-Fath Verse 6

She was afraid, and there was the smell of fear. It was the mixed up smell of the sweat and the tears she shed on impulse, the tangled smell of the fear she sensed around her neck, even rendering her hair soaking wet. At that very moment, there was no other sensation that could make her feel more afraid than not knowing what to do. Seeking refuge in prayer, she tried to suppress the fear.
You know what? In every household, the light is on. But in some places, such unspeakable things happen that... The moment it rises, the sun fears of the dark!


"Lame Crow Aykan said, "The human race that we are liable to protect has rebelled even against the God that created it. They must be destroyed, even our human emotions, which are inside us, must be destroyed. The crow race must live in a half-crow form and be killed who enters human form... We should remember that flying again is not only duty, but freedom.”
There are some ideologies, they are expressed, but they are not adapted to life, they cannot be. Maybe I may have expressed my ideology, but I`m not sure if I really want this to become reality. Although the life source seems to be breathing, the life source of intelligent creatures is the law. Without the law, lives will end. Although there may also be lives that end in the right laws. Yes but this number is in the minority.
“Fly after me... Live after me to protect our laws... and find peace when you die."I said. And I released them.
"Protect the innocent. No matter what being descended­ from, ­protect her if she is not guilty. Protect the innocent so that in the future the majority are formed from innocent­, and then justice will rule the world.”



First name and last name are two different personalities. The name belongs to you, the surname is the life that comes from your genes. People breathe freely when they learn to live in the totality of two names. But if a person like me lives in a war between his first name and last name, he just stands between being or not being at all, he is out of breath and he just writes. Although her writings -according to some- become meaningless, she writes. To be able to take a tiny breath…
“Farewell is approaching. We`ll say goodbye in a little while. This farewell will not be a new beginning. There is... no end, and there will be no end. There will be a huge gap, I will not be able to fit into the gap. No matter what I write that won`t be enough, I`ll be halfway through before I say goodbye. I`m gonna be late because I can`t write. I`ll be halfway through my literature, which is not enough to describe my feelings. If I wrote the whole letter in capital letters, I would be halfway through because I didn`t have a voice. My deficiency; it will also make my loneliness incomplete, I will stay lack in my incompleted loneliness. My death... My death will be incomplete. Do you know what you`ve done to me?” GOODBYE DAD…

Yayınevi : Vaveyla Yayıncılık
Yazar : Kolektif
Barkod : 2417217153579
Boyut : 13.5x21
Sayfa Sayısı : 288
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2024
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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