Tabriz International Award for Innovation and Creativity in Crafts, Album of the Winning Entries, 2015, Tabriz, Iran

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An album of the award-winning entries at the Tabriz International Award for Innovation and Creativity in Crafts (2017) has been published. An album of theaward-winningentriesat theTabriz International Awardfor Innovation andCreativityin Crafts (2017) hasbeen published.Theaward was conductedduringthe “Tabriz International Festivalof Arts, Crafts andCreativity” which tookplace in in Tabrizon 7-12 May2017. The album ispublished as of August 2017. The festival and award program were organized by IRCICA and Tabriz University for Islamic Arts in cooperation with the Islamic Culture and Relations Organizations of Iran. The festival gathered innovators and craftspeople in pavilions forming a craft village where they displayed their works, tools and techniques. Awards amounting to $60.000 were distributed in ten Craft Topics. Each crafts theme was allocated three awards of $6.000 in total, in the amount of $3.000, $2.000, and $1.000, respectively. The album constitutes a documentary catalogue of all the winning entries of artisans from various geographical regions of the world. It shows images of the latest achieved creativity by leading master artisans in fields like miniature,gilding, illumination, carpets,kilims, costumes,embroidery, mosaic,decoration,glass worksand many more.The Album ispublishedin English (457 pages) and Arabic (425 pages). At the beginning of the album, a comprehensive Introduction sheds light on the importance of innovation and creativity for our societies in our time. The award encourage creativity and creativity provides continuous living blood to the crafts sector which for no doubt will increasethecreativeabilitiesof youngartisans.Thejury committeeconsistingof craftexperts who havealongandfieldexperiencein thearea ofdeveloping handicrafts tookintoaccountduringtheexamination andinspection of thesubmitted works,all thecharacteristicsandtechnical featuresof

Yayınevi : IRCICA
Yazar : Kolektif
Barkod : 9789290633044
Boyut : 13x30
Sayfa Sayısı : 901
Cilt Tipi : Ciltli
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2017
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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