Biographies of the Islamic Scholars of Our Times 2 Volumes

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V.1 Arabic script Kazakh text
V.2 English translation. 

The English translation of the full text of Saduaqas Ghïlmani’s biographical dictionary “The Islamic Scholars of Our Times” makes available to a broader public the most extensive andimportant Islamicbiographical collection publishedin Kazakhstan, andoneof the most significant compositionsof Islamic scholarship produced in the former Soviet Union.

The workcompiledduringthe Brezhnevera,providesbiographicalentrieson 39 major Kazakh Muslim scholarsactivein northern Kazakhstan from thelate 19th Century to the 1970s, andoffersunparalleledinsights into Kazakh Muslim society andintellectual lifebefore andduringthe Soviet era. The edition includes an extensive introduction, notes, and indices.

Yayınevi : IRCICA
Yazar : Saduaqas Ghilmani
Barkod : 9789290633341
Boyut : 13.5x25
Sayfa Sayısı : 1216
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2018
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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