Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Köprülü Library V.1-3

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The KöprülüLibraryin Istanbul containsoneof the world’s most important collectionsof manuscripts, composedof nearly2773volumesunder3500titles andcoveringthe fields of Quranic sciences, history,philosophy, natural sciences, mathematics, etc. The catalogueprovides fullbibliographic information about these manuscripts. The preface gives the history of the collection.


"The catalogue of manuscripts in the Koprulu Library is undoubtedly a valuable and much needed work and may be evaluated as the best processed catalogue published in recent years in Turkey." Vojtech Kopcan, Asian and African Studies, XXV (1989)

"The compilers have to be congratulated on preparing a very good range of indexes. The catalogue is neatly presented and constitutes a mine of information." Adam Gacek, BRISMES Bulletin, XIV, 2 (1988)

Yayınevi : IRCICA
Yazar : Ramazan Şeşen
Barkod : 9789290632224
Boyut : 13.5x24
Sayfa Sayısı : 1895
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 1986
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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