Magnesia On The Meander - Magnesia Ad Maeandrum

225,00 TL
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These archaeological guides are written by well known archaelogists with the thought that they might evoke the spirit of these places for those who are interested in remains of Anatolian civilizations.Illustrated with beautiful photographs, equipped with helpful plans and drawingis,they are essential to travellers to Turkey.To those who enquire how long the excavations at Magnesia are expected to continue O. Bingöl is in the habit of replying, "I have drawn up plans for the next 400 years but beyond that I haven`t considered yet!"He does thes xill confront archaeologists at a site like Magnesia will never end and to emphasize the difficulties and problems he encounters in trying to carry out his plans. In this guide, we present the informationabout earlier researches on tne site as fell as the results of excavations, the results of a very long program. Our aim is to present a clear picture of how different historical periods can be examined comprehensively in Magnesia, which was protected under the natural covering and thus not obliterated by the remains of more recent periods and cultures.
Yayınevi : Homer Kitabevi
Yazar : Orhan Bingöl
Barkod : 9789944483032
Boyut : 12x22
Sayfa Sayısı : 204
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2007
Çevirmen : Ayşe Çalık Ross
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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