Palestine and the Future of Global Affairs

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It has been more than a year since the 7th of October 2023, when yet another episode of a prolonged war on the Palestinian people by the Israeli settler occupation started. A real, open Holocaust is unfolding—with concentration camps, without borders, and with no horizon for the moment to curb this spread of savagery and brutality. In the recent weeks, two Palestinian leaders were killed. The regional scene has never been as fragmented as it is today. Egypt limited its role to diplomatic efforts, while controlling the number of Palestinians who can cross its highly securitized borders. The Gulf countries are unwilling to get involved beyond vague statements, and the Arab league is no more capable of taking any positions.
This collection of works is derived from the symposium titled “Palestine and the Future of Global Affairs” organized by a group of academics from Ibn Haldun University with valuable contributions of esteemed academics, human rights activists, journalists, and NGO representatives from all around the world. They explored a range of critical issues and addressed diverse subjects such as academic freedom, the role of public intellectuals, apartheid, Zionist occupation, daily resistance against settler-colonial violence, the socio-legal aspects of Gaza Genocide, global solidarity, and the role of media in portraying Palestine.
This book is dedicated to the spirits of all Palestinian children, women, and men who were martyred during the recent terrorist attacks perpetrated by the colonial regime of Israel. Their memories and life stories have inspired us to expand our academic labour in support of the global resistance movement and fueled our passion for empowering global solidarity for Palestine within academia and beyond.

Yayınevi : İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları
Yazar : Ramazan Aras
Barkod : 9786256491687
Boyut : 16x24
Sayfa Sayısı : 276
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2025
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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