Olympos A Pirates’ Town in Lycia

225,00 TL
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300,00 TL
Stok Adedi: 3


Stok Alarmı
These archaeological guides are written by well known archaeologists with the thought that they might evoke the spirit of these places for those who are interested in remains of Anatolian civilizations. IIIustrated with beautiful photographs, equipped with helpful plans and drawings, they are essential to travellers to Turkey.Noteworthy especially for its cultural assets and natural beauty, the city of Olympos has suffered damage by nature through the centuries accelerated by tourism in the recent years. Therefore, excavations, cleaning, documentation and architectural inventory work of urban plan together with its monuments has been plotted on the topographical map in digital format has been updated. This project was carried out in order to facilitate the foreseen arrangement and restoration programme.The fact that Olympos was not settled by the Turks allowed its medieval urban pattern to be preserved. Being one of the few sites with medieval urban pattern stil preserved, Olympos bears importance for the medieval history of the Mediterranean.
Yayınevi : Homer Kitabevi
Yazar : Ahmet Nadir Topoğraf
Barkod : 9789758293957
Boyut : 12x22
Sayfa Sayısı : 151
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2006
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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