Açıklamalı Hüsn-i Hat Bibliyografyası: Yazmalar - Kitaplar - Makaleler - Kitaplarda Hatla İlgili Bölümler - Dış Ülkelerdeki Yayınlar

225,00 TL
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This book gives a comprehensive bibliography of manuscripts, books, articles, the parts of books related to calligraphy as well as publications that appeared on calligraphy abroad. in the foreword, Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu underlines the importance of this art for the Islamic world and the characteristics that makeituniqueamongotherarts. Hethen dwellson variousactivitiesof IRCICA in thefieldof calligraphy sinceitsestablishment1980, in the form of research, publications, training programs, competitions and exhibitions. He points out that the bibliographic studies of the literature on calligraphy are a major part of the studies in this field. The book also includes a brief preface by Ali Haydar Bayat and an introduction by Prof. M. Uğur Derman. The present bibliography is the revised and enlarged version of the first edition covering the years of 1888-1988 and published in 1990. The bibliographyisorganizedin seven parts.This referencebookappearsas the mostvoluminousoneof thecalligraphicbibliographies that werecompiledtill the present day since it covers almost the entire literature in Turkey on this subject.

Yayınevi : IRCICA
Yazar : Ali Haydar Bayat
Barkod : 9789290631260
Boyut : 13.5x25
Sayfa Sayısı : 416
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2002
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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