Energy and Environmental Studies for the Near Future

121,80 TL
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140,00 TL
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Chapter 1 An Alternatıve Proposal To Meet The Growıng Energy Demand

Chapter 2 Examınatıon Of The Amount Of Destructıon In Textıle Sector

Chapter 3 Reductıon Of Greenhouse Gas Emıssıon Through Bıogas Productıon From Olıve Resıdue In Turkey

Chapter 4 Instructıons For Image Processıng Applıcatıons

Chapter 5 Investıgatıon Of Rıng, Compact And Magnetıc Compact Yarn Productıon Systems

Chapter 6 The Effect Of Defects On The Sılıcon Solar Cell

Chapter 7 Mechanısms Of Solar Cells Loss

Chapter 8 Investıgatıon Of The Relatıonshıp Between Temperature, Sound Intensıty And Surface Roughness Related To Tool Wear Durıng

Turnıng Of Hardened Aısı 4340 Materıal

Chapter 9 Cfd Analysıs On Fın And Baffle Confıguratıons In Solar Aır Collector

Chapter 10 Three Dımensıonal (3d) Graphene Networks: Synthesıs Methods

Yayınevi : Akademisyen Kitabevi
Yazar : Afşin Güngör
Barkod : 9786052587621
Boyut : 16x24
Sayfa Sayısı : 104
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2020
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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