Basic Electrical Electronics

243,00 TL
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The chapters of the Basic Electrical and Electronics book covers the subjects of basic electrical concepts, solution of direct current electrical circuits, passive electrical components, active semiconductor electronic components, alternating current and voltages, basic electrical measurement instruments, practical electronic circuit applications and safety in electrical and electronic circuits. Also, there are tests included at the end of every chapter for easing the understanding of the concepts covered in that chapter with their ansvvers put at the end of the book for theuation of the results.

The book is ideal for engineering faculties and schools, polytechnic institutes and vocational colleges. İt is mainly prepared as a reference book for the basic electric and electronic courses of these schools. The book contains everything about electrical and electronic circuits necessary for a sound understanding of the principles in electronics. So, it is not suitable just for electrical and electronics engineer, but everyone who vvishes to learn something about electrical and electronics circuits.

The book is prepared with other engineers, amateurs and tinkerers in mind. The test and problems section at the end of every chapter makes the understanding of the concepts easy. So, they must be handled with çare for maximum profit from the book.

Yayınevi : Birsen Yayınevi
Yazar : Bilgehan Erkal
Barkod : 9789755116631
Boyut : 20x28
Sayfa Sayısı : 277
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2017
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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