Balkanlar`da Osmanlı Vakıfları - Vakfiyeler Yunanistan 5 Cilt

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IRCICA hasaresearch projecton the historyand heritageof the waqf institution, which isknown to haveoriginatedin the Muslim world. In thisproject the Centre collects the original sources on waqfs such as the establishment deeds, documents resulting from their operations and if any, reports on their functions; studies them and makes them availablefor researchers.Special consideration isgiven tothe waqfs which areatpresent locatedoutsidethe OIC member countries, in particular those addressingthe Muslim communities and minorities. Theproject started with a focus on the waqfsdatingfrom the Ottoman periodin the Balkan countries. The series titled Ottoman Waqfs in the Balkans was launched with the threevolume firstbook Ottoman Waqfs in the Balkans: Waqf Deeds, Bulgariain 2012.Thesecondstageof theproject coveredthe waqfs whch wereestablishedin Greece.Theresultingfive-volume bookcomprises thelists, textsandtransliterationsof487 waqfdeedsbelongingto waqfsestablishedin 54townshipsandvillagesbetween theyears1427 -1912.Thedocuments werecollectedfrom thearchivesof the General Directorateof WaqfsofTurkey, theTurkish Prime Ministry’s Ottoman Archives,and the archives of Topkapı Palace, Istanbul. Information collated about the waqfs on the basis of their deeds, i.e. founding documents is presented systematically in Balkanlarda Osmanlı Vakıfları: Vakfiyeler,Yunanistan (Ottoman Waqfs in the Balkans: Waqf Deeds, Greece) Ed. Halit Eren;Preparedby Halit Eren, Mustafa Oğuz, Zekai Mete,5volumes, IRCICA, Istanbul,2017(texts in Arabic,English,Turkish) reader-friendlytables in what constitutesafull recordof the waqfs indicatingthedateof thedeed, identity(ies) of its founder(s), donations registered, its purpose, objectives and activities, rituals and rules of conduct, people who worked for the waqf, revenue items, beneficiaries, etc. The waqfs are arranged according to the names of the townships. Tables are added with such data and information as the numbers of waqfs according to townships, types of charities, statuses and titles of the waqf founders, the types of tradesmen operating in the waqf

Yayınevi : IRCICA
Yazar : Kolektif
Barkod : 9789290633099
Boyut : 17x30
Sayfa Sayısı : 1111
Cilt Tipi : Ciltli
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2017
Çevirmen : Fazıl Bayat
Cep Boy : Hayır
1. Hamur


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